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Hire charges and bookings apply to Secretary, Pauline Rose
01747 870374


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Swallowcliffe Village Hall

The need for a village hall was realised many years ago and the first village hall, an old Army hut from Fovant, was erected in 1934. During the 2nd World War money was being raised in Swallowcliffe for its replacement after the war. However, in 1949 the Army hut was accidentally burnt down. There followed a period of some years devoted to fund raising for rebuilding. In 1957 work was started on the village hall as we know it today and there was a grand opening. Much expense and voluntary work has gone into maintenance since then and the village owes a debt of gratitude to all those who have been responsible for its building and maintenance from 1934 onwards.

To quote from our constitution... the objects and uses of the hall, for purposes of mental and physical training and recreation. Social, moral and intellectual development by means of reading, lectures classes, recreations and entertainment or otherwise as may be found expedient for the benefit of the inhabitants of Swallowcliffe and of its immediate neighbourhood without distinction of sex or political and religious opinions.

Hall Hire Charges 2014

Parties sales etc Day (09:00-18:00) £35.00
  Morning £20.00
  Afternoon £20.00
  Evening £20.00
  Weekend £60.00
Elections or Public Enquiries Per day £120.00
Parish & Council Meetings Per session £15.00
Village Clubs, Societies, Charities Day (09:00-18:00) £20.00
  Half day £15.00
  Per hour £5.00

Notes: Electricity for the kitchen and heating is paid for by the hirer using £1 coins in the meter.
A licence to sell alcohol must be obtained by the hirer.

Slide projector and screen available for use of hirers.

Out of hall hire of equipment

Tables (metal/folding/plastic) Each £4.00
Chairs Each £0.50
All other equipment Suggested donation £20

To book or hire please contact Caroline Willis - 01747 871343

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The Millennium Parish Map Project - click for enlarged version

The village hall has been an essential part of village life reaching a peak with the Millennium project which resulted in the Parish Map as a permanent exhibit in the hall today.

Parish and Church A.G.M's are held in the hall and there is a regular monthly lunch club for residents of the village. The hall is hired for weekly Art classes, meetings of the Debating Society and the Swallowcliffe Society. Also for charity fund raising coffee mornings. Social events include the Church harvest supper and regular bistro music evenings.

The hall is available for hire for private parties on an afternoon/evening or weekend basis. Equipment is also available for hire. Tables, chairs, cutlery etc.

Hire charges and bookings apply to Booking Secretary, Caroline Willis 01747 871343©2001
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