Photography courses
Improve your digital photography techniques
This is a course for those interested in "post processing"
Suitable for anyone who'd like to learn how to improve their photographs after taking them!
The venue is The Grasmere House Hotel
Format and cost:
Lessons will be around 90 mins in length.
Cost £100 for course of four lessons - to include notes - all the fees are being donated straight to Hope and Homes for Children.
Lessons will be on Wednesdays starting on November 8th 2017 at 19:30 to around 21:00
Info or bookings:
To find out more please call Chris on 01747 858016
Or send a cheque for £100 made out to Hope and Homes for Children to:
Chris Stanbury, Wilbury Barn, Swallowcliffe, Salisbury, Wilts, SP3 5QH
Lesson 1 - Introduction (8th November 2017):
Instructors - Chris Stanbury and Anthony von Roretz (Trinity Photography)
Basic Settings and Programs
How to correctly set your camera for quality images
ICC Profile - Adobe RGB v sRGB, (in camera)
File Size/Compression (in camera)
File formats RAW/TIFF/JPEG/Other
Importing images onto your computer correctly
Free Software – Irfanview/Breezebrowser/Picasa/Other
Introduction to Adobe Lightroom® and look forward to next lesson
Lesson 2 - Lightroom (15th November 2017):
Instructor -Anthony von Roretz (Trinity Photography)
Lightroom® work space – Modules
Lightroom® filing database system
Importing images into Lightroom®
Good Importing Procedure and Practice
Keywording and Metadata on import
Keywording and Metadata post import
Introduction to Lightroom® Develop module
Lesson 3 - Lightroom (22nd November 2017):
Instructor -Anthony von Roretz (Trinity Photography)
Lightroom® Develop module
Development of your images in Lightroom®
JPEG development
RAW file Development
Lightroom® image editing
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop® and Adobe Bridge®
Lesson 4 - Photoshop (29th November 2017):
Instructor -Anthony von Roretz (Trinity Photography)
What is Photoshop®
Photoshop® work space – ICC profiles
Photoshop® – Open, Close and Save/Save As
Tool bar - Move/Marquee/Selection/Crop/Healing/Brush/Clone/Other
Photoshop® good editing practice
Previous courses
2010 Photography evening classes
2011 Outdoor Digital Photography course
2012 Photography evening classes
2013 Outdoor Digital Photography course
2014 Digital Photography course
2015 Digital Photography course
2016 Digital Photography course
2016 Digital Photography Photoshop course
2017 Digital Photography course
See the diary for other future events